Jul 11, 2009

Think a While

It’s been some time, Since you called it quit,
3 months to be precise, Seems like a long stint.

We met, in unusual circumstances, You kept relationship alive,
It wasn’t easy for you, that now I really realize.
I was an idiot, who took you for granted,
Shouldn’t have done that, I was so cold-hearted
Doesn’t mean that I didn’t loved you, though its true that I failed to respect you.
Remember that Rhyme, which I wrote for you, remember those times which I shared with you.

I know You are really pissed off, especially after I visited you,
As far as I have understood you in past Two years, I know it won’t be easy to bring you back.
But one thing I also know about myself that I will always keep coming back.

May be to you, “I AM NOW A LOSER”.
But I m trying to get my life on track.
May be I never told you all this before,
However that doesn’t change the FACTS.

It’s not mushy mush feelings that I want to generate,
But consider the Kodak moments which we had!!!!
Holding your hand, having lunches, that auto-rides, the Funny moments
Touching your lips that afternoon at Brahma Sarovar,
That second Date at Saffron Hotel.

Rememeber First kiss, remember your delhi Trip,
Rememebr That chill in your spine, remember that Tongue Act of mine.
Remember that Tikka-Shikka with Gaurav & Monika,
Remember those late night calls, Remember that you CRIED!

Now try to compare these with any bad moments you had,
Try to figure out what didn’t went Fine.
I tried to protect you, from my other side.
It’s Fate which now don’t want you to be mine.

Even though task seems next to impossible at this time, But Believe me Dear, All can still be just fine!
Give some time, and give some thought, it’s a humble request from your friend this side.
Every relationship has ups and downs. Some problems can be sorted out; some are better left to time.


Unknown said...

seems still in love....

very true but heartbreaking Quote

"if your love wants to go let it go,if it comes back its yours if not then it was never yours"

Dont wait just move on.......

Yogesh said...

@shraddha...have already moved on!