Jul 31, 2008

Opportunity Cost of My Life

my partner in crime for past one and a half year GM suggested that i shud write something on Time line or rather Opportunity cost of my life. somebody go and tell him, that one should not try to calculate the depth of ocean..but i guess an attempt cud be made to value my life in monetary figures

Opportunity Cost is calculated as
Change in cost X 100
initial cost

initial cost refers to what i m doing currently. there are two approaches to calculate this cost
according to first approach, I am currently sitting IDLE in a space valued at more than Rs. 10 million, which is concurrently occupied by my daddy dearest.

According to Second approach, whose father is none other than my father values my opprtunity cost being good for nothing.
that is the my contribution which becomes cost for him, is ZERO

Thus whatever approach we use to calculate my current cost, it would be euqal to ZERO only.
hence making my opportunity cost infinity,

P.S. Going by this valuation i shud be one of the most sought after person on this earth...


i was told by some of my friends that i m suffering from MPD, or SPD. yes i can relate with that but i don't like the term which is associated, especially the word DISORDER, i would like to put it as having 2 aspects same personality, say one is a normal day to day routine personality version, and other a hidden, deep and dark version which rarely ventures out to get the fresh air.
after a lots of introspection i thought it wud be a good idea to organize my so called MPD, or SPD

one half or rather 90% of me is called yogesh a laid back, happy go lucky dude of 24 yrs. who
#is fond of traveling
#likes adventure trips
#is well versed with Computers (though failed miserably in editing a documentary)
#is forgiving and helpful
#is in a nutshell a cool customer to hang out with.

The other half (I call him Capricious) is
# very demanding
# a staunch critic
# a firm believer in "ITS EITHER MY WAY OR HIGHWAY"
# very stubborn and rigid
# very high Standards
# seeks perfection
# self oriented and very hard to live with character

So that's why i decided to split up my blogs in three parts
"A place to be "is entirely controlled by Yogesh.
"thakker's world <> yogesh ki duniya" is Entirely controlled by Capricious
"Xrosswheelers" is controlled by whole that is individually and jointly by both Yogesh and Capricious---the whole me

A little Introduction

I m Yogesh Thakker, a qualified unemployed MBA Graduate, now why in the world would someone be referred as a GRADUATE, when in fact s/he is a a post graduate degree holder. Any Clues??????

So as i just mentioned i am a well qualified unemployed MBA Graduate (mind the capital G). i am under severe depression and as advised by my other half (he is called capricious) Don't mind the connotation "He", for i not a GAY, but i m suffering from Split Personality Disorder.

i intend to star this blogging exercise seriously(by the way tea just arrived)

Congo i just finished my first blog entry, or was it a phrase...
If you are still reading this line then i must congratulate you for your tastes and preferences.